The Internet and values in society: Higher Education students’s perspectives


  • Carlos Morais Instituto Politécnico de Bragança
  • Paulo Alves Instituto Politécnico de Bragança
  • Luisa Miranda Instituto Politécnico de Bragança
  • Paula Renés Arellano Universidad de Cantabria


Social Values, Counter-values, the Internet, Higher Education, Education, Communication


We live in a society interconnected and mediated by the Internet, which has assumed a paramount role within human relations, where we witness a progressive decay of social values both at school and in society. Therefore, considering the area of Higher Education, the need for nurturing values conducive to a better life in society is viewed as one of the substantial references for the construction and transmission of social values. This reflection is developed from data obtained by questionnaire to a sample of 255 undergraduates in the Education field, from two higher education institutions, a Spanish one and a Portuguese one. The aim was to assess the undergraduates’ perceptions on the promotion of values and counter-values over the Internet, as well as the consideration they give them while communicating online with colleagues, friends, and relatives. Among the values most remarked by students, the following stand out: respect, equality, freedom, honesty, and friendship. Among the counter-values emphasised by students, the authors highlight those of inequality, dishonesty, selfishness, disrespect, insecurity, irresponsibility, manipulation, oppression, and violence. The students believe that the abovementioned values and counter-values are promoted within online communication. Furthermore, such values are frequently taken into account when they communicate with colleagues, friends and relatives.


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Author Biography

Paulo Alves, Instituto Politécnico de Bragança

Ph.D. em Tecnologia e Sistemas de Informação da Universidade do Minho, Portugal, e Mestre Multimédia em Tecnologia da Universidade do Porto, Portugal. E coordenador e professor de e-learning Instituto Politécnico de Bragança Nao. E Pesquisador Cedri-Center Investigação em Robótica e Intelligent Digitalização. I Interesses de pesquisa incluem: e-learning, Análise grandes dados, web Desenvolvimento e Multimedia.


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How to Cite

Morais, C., Alves, P., Miranda, L., & Renés Arellano, P. (2019). The Internet and values in society: Higher Education students’s perspectives. Revista Prisma Social, (26), 94–115. Retrieved from