Organizaciones nativas responsables: la RSC en la cultura de las startups digitales españolas


  • David Sánchez-Hervás Universidad Católica San Antonio de Murcia
  • Blas-José Subiela-Hernández Universidad Católica San Antonio de Murcia, España


digital natives, responsible natives, startups, responsible culture, RSC


The starting point of this work considers that CSR is a fundamental element in the configuration of the corporate culture of digital native organizations. Thus, the article analyzes the presence of CSR in the culture of Spanish digital startups. For this, a quantitative methodology is used in which a content analysis of 76 web pages of organizations of this type is carried out.

The analysis shows what percentage of companies communicate CSR in their corporate information and focuses, especially, on those brands that integrate it into their culture, that is, those brands whose identity is based specifically on CSR (native CSR) values. The research establishes three categories of organizations: native CSR, CSR as a complementary element and absence of information on CSR.

The results show that almost half of the organizations analyzed (45.7%) report on their CSR. In addition, more than 20% of them integrate CSR values ??into their corporate culture, that is, as values ??that define the identity of the brand, position it and differentiate it from the competition.


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Author Biography

Blas-José Subiela-Hernández, Universidad Católica San Antonio de Murcia, España

Universidad Católica San Antonio de Murcia, España


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How to Cite

Sánchez-Hervás, D., & Subiela-Hernández, B.-J. (2020). Organizaciones nativas responsables: la RSC en la cultura de las startups digitales españolas. Revista Prisma Social, (29), 138–154. Retrieved from