Co-creation of long-term care services: the experience of the SoCaTel project (H2020)
co-creation of services, long-term care, digital co-creation, SoCaTel, co-creation platform, ageing and technology, social innovationAbstract
Co-creation is a method of citizens’ participation in design and development of new products and services, at present still in an early stage of implementation in most European countries, such as Spain. The aim of this paper is to analyse the innovation potential of digital co-creation of LTC services performed during the SoCaTel project (H2020) on the example of Spanish case study. The methodology is based on a Quadruple Helix approach engaging different groups of stakeholders (practitioners, older adults and their family, researchers, public and private companies, and policy makers). In the first phase, focus groups and interviews to different groups of end-users have been carried out and afterwards co-creation workshops (both face-to-face and online) have been performed. The results vary from the identification of numerous care needs such as the lack of coordination and information on benefits and services, the bureaucratic burden and the lack of human and financial resources . The final result of co-creation process is a new digital service tailored to the needs of end-users and their family members . Moreover, a new insight is gained into the added value of digital co-creation.
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