The Age Island. The Elderly People and Mass Media.


  • Darío Berciano-Garrido Universidad de Sevilla


Elderly People, Mass Media, Radio, TV, Cinema, Advertising, Social Network, Video Games


The representation of the elderly in the mass media is the protagonist in La isla etaria. Tercera edad y medios de comunicación, a novel study that delves into the image, representation and messages transmitted about older people, from the radio, television and cinematographic space, and also from social networks, advertising or the world of video games. The aim of the work is to put an end to the stereotypes associated with this group and to encourage criticism and social change. In this way, the importance of the aging population is claimed, making people over 65 years old visible, as they are frequently silenced by the media. In short, it is a volume which invites reflection and should be considered totally necessary at a scientific and informative level.


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Author Biography

Darío Berciano-Garrido, Universidad de Sevilla

Darío Berciano-Garrido has graduated in Audiovisual Communication, he also holds a Master’s degree diploma in Culture and Communication. He is currently a PhD candidate in the Audiovisual Interuniversity Doctoral Programme of Universities of Cádiz, Huelva, Málaga and Seville. He has received several scholarships for training and research in communication at the national level. His research line centres on the study and analysis of media, images and audiovisual stories.


Guarinos, V. (coord.) (2021) La isla etaria. Tercera edad y medios de comunicación. ReaDuck Ediciones



How to Cite

Berciano-Garrido, D. (2021). The Age Island. The Elderly People and Mass Media. Revista Prisma Social, (34), 369–373. Retrieved from