Brands as the axis of socialisation of the Alpha Generation



Brands, Socialisation, Communication, Internet, childhood, Generation Alpha


In a hyper-fragmented environment of channels, platforms and content, brands are finding increasingly difficult to reach Generation Alpha in a relevant and differential way. This paper aims to study the variables that determine the choice of brands in the digital context by children between 6 and 12 years old. To study this preference, a survey of 1,357 children was carried out, applying different statistical tests to determine which variables are predictive in the selection of brands. Among the main results when choosing a brand are that the brand must be trendy, famous, that it helps them to meet people and that it is their best toy. Socialisation processes and the need to communicate with their friends are the main reasons for children to incorporate brands into their digital universe. Therefore, companies that want their brands to be part of the life of Generation Alpha in an authentic and unique way, must favour communicative contexts of interaction where the brand is an excuse to socialise.


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How to Cite

Rangel, C., Monguí, M., Larrañaga, K. P., & Díez, O. . (2021). Brands as the axis of socialisation of the Alpha Generation. Revista Prisma Social, (34), 124–145. Retrieved from