New information referents of Z generation

Studying the role of influencers in TikTok as content disseminators



Inininformation consumption, spreading news, reporter, influencer, Z generation, social networks, information mentors, TikTok


According to the results of the Edelman Trust Barometer, in 2022, post-pandemic, citizens have lost trust in businesses, governments, NGOs and the media. Faced with this, and without a trusted source of leadership that users can turn to, many influencers have decided to take advantage of their TikTok channels to educate society and, above all, young people - who are mainly informed through social networks. Thus, influencers act as information references and the new journalists for the so-called Z generation. Therefore, the aim of this study is to analyse, through a mixed methodology -quantitative and qualitative-, the activity of seven information disseminating influencers on TikTok. These seven accounts were selected because they are particularly well-known in Spain and popular for their literacy power: @charleyokei, @doctorfision, @cienciascomportamiento, @farmaceuticofernandez, @lawtips, @ladyscience, and @raquelmascaraque. The results obtained shed light on the audience's reactions to the discursive strategies and informational intentions of each profile. In conclusion, we observed that the narrative and audiovisual strategies, among other parameters, used by each influencer in their videos determine not only the positive reactions and comments from subscribers, but also the degree of identification of young people from generation Z with these informational references on TikTok.


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Author Biographies

Marta Pérez-Escolar, Universidad Loyola Andalucía

Marta Pérez Escolar es profesora adjunta en el departamento de Comunicación la Universidad Loyola Andalucía (Sevilla), donde imparte las asignaturas de Teoría de la Comunicación y Opinión pública, entre otros. Sus principales líneas de investigación son los desórdenes informativos, la participación ciudadana y la comunicación política. En 2018, recibió el premio extraordinario de Participación ciudadana, Transparencia y Buen Gobierno, que otorga la Región de Murcia, por su tesis doctoral. Ha sido profesora visitante en varias universidades internacionales, posee un sexenio de investigación y, recientemente, ha obtenido una beca de movilidad José Castillejo para realizar una investigación, financiada por el Ministerio de Universidades, en la Universidad de Bournemouth (Reino Unido).

Purificación Alcaide-Pulido, Universidad Loyola Andalucía

Purificación Alcaide-Pulido, PhD, is assistant professor and researcher at Loyola Andalucía University (Department of Communication and Education) and member of the research groups: "MarketingForSociety" and "PositiveCom". Her research areas are, among others, university branding, the analysis of communication in social networks and websites, and the study of the Public Relations sector. Dr. Alcaide-Pulido is a reviewer and member of the Scientific Committee of several high impact journals and has been a visiting professor in Portugal, England and the Netherlands.

Andrés Del Toro, Universidad Loyola Andalucía

Andrés del Toro is a professor and researcher specialising in corporate communication, digital marketing and social media. In addition, Andrés is the director of the Master in Corporate and Digital Communication Management and of the Specialisation in Digital Marketing programme, both programmes at Loyola University. Andrés del Toro holds a PhD in Communication from the Complutense University of Madrid. He also has more than 15 years of professional experience in the field of public relations and digital social media.


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How to Cite

Pérez-Escolar, M., Alcaide-Pulido, P., & Del Toro, A. (2023). New information referents of Z generation: Studying the role of influencers in TikTok as content disseminators . Revista Prisma Social, (40), 262–288. Retrieved from