Men in the mirror: masculine stereotypes in the Spanish radio advertisements
Stereotypes; Gender studies; Men; Masculinity; Advertising; RadioAbstract
Studies on advertising stereotypes in the radio are scarce and those that do exist have focused predominantly on female roles and stereotypes. The rise of feminist social movements and campaigns such as Gillette's 2019 campaign "The best men can be" suggest that something is changing in the advertising communication environment regarding gender stereotypes and the male role in society. This article, with a quantitative approach, focuses on the analysis of the stereotypes that radio advertising conveys about men. To this end, 679 radio advertisements were examined. The sample was recorded from the three main Spanish general radio broadcasters and collected 10 years apart with the aim of observing the changes produced in the image of the male target audience. The units of analysis were collected in two waves, the first in the autumn-winter period of 2008-2009 and the second in the same period of 2018-2019, and all of them were examined through content analysis. An ad hoc template was designed to respond to the main objectives of the research: to determine which are the dominant male stereotypes in Spanish radio; to define the image of men through radio advertising in our country and to observe the changes around the presence of traditional male stereotypes in radio advertisements. The results obtained in this work show that few things have changed over a decade and that radio, as an advertising media, contributes to the construction, transmission and perpetuation of traditional male stereotypes. This research is an important complement to the studies carried out on female roles and stereotypes in radio, both internationally and in Spain.
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