Anti-feminist subversion: audiovisual analysis of the Manosphere in social networks
Misogyny, Antifeminism, Manosphere, Masculinism, Masculinities, Memes, Youtubers, FeminismAbstract
In response to the feminist movement, in recent years we have seen the strengthening of reactionary positions and anti-feminist digital cultures. This article focuses on the audio-visual production within the Manosphere and how it connects with masculinist ideologies and far-right ideals. Two fundamental formats in this digital culture have been examined: the meme videos of Youtubers from anti-feminist accounts and channels. Through an analysis of audio-visual content and thematic categorical analysis, a political strategy based on male victimization emerges, the accusation (demonization/ridicule) of feminism (and feminists), and a consequent call to action and reaction against it. This strategy is based on a series of discursive tools based on offensive humour, decontextualization, false debates and the clapback culture. In conclusion, antifeminist digital activism has a direct impact on men's identity definitions as well as on their political positions, demonstrating that antifeminist culture operates both outwardly (politically confronting and viralizing social meanings) and inwardly (entrenching affectively and creating a common frame of reference).
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