The lottery applied to a case of participatory budgets
Effects on the plurality of profiles, polarization, and deliberative quality
participatory budgeting, sortition, deliberation, polarizationAbstract
Democratic innovations aim to involve the citizenry in public decision-making and have taken on various forms. This research assesses a participatory budgeting initiative that incorporates random selection and places emphasis on deliberation in its design. This pilot experience is conducted at the University of Malaga and focuses on the inclusion of the LGTBIQ+ community within the faculty. The objective is to analyze the effects of this design on participant profiles, as well as on polarization and the perceived quality of the deliberative process. Thirty-six students participate in the deliberative phase. A quantitative investigation with surveys is carried out, employing a pretest and posttest design with a single group. The results indicate that random selection allows for the inclusion of profiles somewhat less aligned with the demands of the LGTBIQ+ community, as well as with more diverse attitudes and emotions. Furthermore, concerning polarization, the process heightens positive attitudes toward investing resources in raising awareness about non-binary identities. Simultaneously, participants perceive a high deliberative quality in the dimensions studied. These results are exploratory, as they pertain to a pilot study with a small sample size.
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