Contribution of imprisonment to homelessness

A qualitative approach



homelessness, ex-carceration, exclusion, prison, support, home


This article studies the real experiences of the previously incarcerated homeless population in the city of Valencia. After examining existing published national and international literature for the links between the phenomena of incarceration and homelessness, it established indicators that can measure the social exclusion resulting from their intersection. Following this, dichotomous variables were selected (length of imprisonment and the current category of homelessness) and a typological sample group of previously incarcerated and currently homeless population was formed. In-depth interviews focusing on the preestablished indicators were conducted with the group and in parallel, social professionals and/or experts who work with the affected population were also interviewed. Finally, using the Atlas.ti.23 programme, the adversities that the study’s target group faces were described and the impact that the length of the incarceration and the category of homelessness had on the group’s chances of social inclusion was analysed. This study also presents proposals to combat the resulting extreme social exclusion. In this sense, it highlights the importance of support programmes following prison release that are based, amongst other factors, on the provision of a home.


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How to Cite

Rubio Coppillie, C., & Matamala Zamarro, E. (2024). Contribution of imprisonment to homelessness: A qualitative approach. Revista Prisma Social, (45), 219–246. Retrieved from