Challenging the silence: homeless women, gender violence and institutional barriers under debate
Women; homelessness; victims of violence; discriminations; institutional barriers; professional support.Abstract
Women experiencing homelessness who are victims of gender-based violence face various institutional, administrative, and professional support barriers that hinder their processes of social inclusion. Aware of the limited existing scientific production, this research aims to understand the different forms of institutional violence suffered by homeless women in the ETHOS categories 1, 2, and 4, who are victims of any type of gender-based violence, both from their own perspective and from the perspective of the professionals who assist them. The methodology used is mixed (quantitative and qualitative) through the administration of 137 surveys to professionals from various services for people experiencing homelessness and the conduct of 20 semi-structured interviews with women going through these complex processes. The results highlight the presence of various institutional barriers in key care services (judicial, police, health, and social services) that increase their risks. The main conclusions indicate the need to incorporate a gender perspective and an intersectional approach in the deployed forms of care, promoting comprehensive support with the main goal of breaking these cycles of violence and facilitating their recovery.
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