Social work with Roma immigrant families in a situation of housing exclusion:

Invisible heroes and heroines sustaining the impact of the covid-19 pandemic


  • Ane López-de-Aguileta Jaussi Universidad de Barcelona (UB)
  • Ariadna Munté Pascual Universidad de Barcelona
  • Lena De Botton Fernández University of Barcelona (UB)


Roma immigrants, Roma people, housing exclusion, homelessness, Social Work, Covid-19


The R+D+i ROM21 project aims to elucidate social actions that have helped to overcome the impact of the pandemic in the Roma community, with special emphasis on those led by women in interaction with different social agents. So far, this issue has not been studied in depth in the case of homeless immigrant Roma families. Thus, this article addresses the impact of the covid-19 pandemic on Roma families in a situation of housing exclusion from the perspective of social work and related professions.
This qualitative research follows the precepts of the communicative methodology. The main techniques used were documentary review, in-depth interviews, communicative life stories and communicative discussion groups. The results show how, in the contexts analyzed, the presence of the immigrant variable has a different significance both in the impact of the pandemic and in the responses given at that time by the community itself, as well as by the professionals. It also reveals orientations for social interventions that minimize or transform the negative impact of the pandemic in both the pandemic and post-pandemic contexts in the cases studied.


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Author Biographies

Ane López-de-Aguileta Jaussi , Universidad de Barcelona (UB)

Ane López de Aguileta is a Predoctoral Researcher at the UFR - School of Social Work of the University of Barcelona. She currently has a FPI contract. She has a degree in Education and a degree in Music (clarinet). She is currently a predoctoral researcher at the University of Barcelona focused on Dialogic Musical Technologies and social inclusion. She has already published her work in first level journals indexed in Web of Science and Scopus such as Qualitative Inquiry.

Ariadna Munté Pascual, Universidad de Barcelona

Ariadna Munté . Principal Investigator.

Dr. Ariadna Munté is Associate Professor at the UFR - School of Social Work (Department of Social Work and Social Services) of the University of Barcelona, and has been a researcher in several national R+D+i projects dealing with Roma community, successful educational actions in schools and male violence. She has also been the principal investigator of the workpackage 7 of the Horizon 2020 SOLIDUS project, as well as a member of the research team of the European R+D+i research also funded by Horizon 2020 ALLINTERACT and KIDS4ALL.
She has published articles on these topics in journals such as Child & Family Social Work , European Journal of Women Studies, Qualitative Inquiry, Journal of Interpersonal Violence, Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies or AFFILIA: The Journal of Women and Social Work , and her research interests are social work, gypsy community, male violence, social inclusion, educational changes and social participation.

Lena De Botton Fernández, University of Barcelona (UB)

Lena de Botton is Professor in the Department of Sociology at the University of Barcelona. She has participated in the team of several projects on inclusion of vulnerable populations such as Kids4alll (H2020), solidus (H2020), included (FP6), alreco-analysis of hate speech online, among others. Member of the Advisory Council for Religious Diversity of the Generalitat de Catalunya and of the Diversity Table of the Audiovisual Advisory Council of Catalonia (CAC). She has presented her thesis in Paris (École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales) with the president of the ISA (International Sociological Association), Michel Wieviorka, on the participation of Moroccan women. She has published several articles on violence prevention, overcoming educational inequalities and on cultural minorities.


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How to Cite

López-de-Aguileta Jaussi , A., Munté Pascual, A., & De Botton Fernández, L. . (2024). Social work with Roma immigrant families in a situation of housing exclusion:: Invisible heroes and heroines sustaining the impact of the covid-19 pandemic. Revista Prisma Social, (44), 31–57. Retrieved from