Covert homelessness in women in situations of serious social exclusion

An exploratory investigation



hidden homesleness, homless women, severe social exclusion, residential exclusión and gender


When the phenomenon of homelessness is reduced to people sleeping on the streets or living in residential resources, the problem of homeless women becomes invisible. This study relates the ETHOS typology (European Typology of Homelessness and Residential Exclusion) and the feminist perspective in its attempt to broaden this reductionist vision and to understand how patriarchy has shaped the contexts in which women's homelessness occurs. A gendered tool is developed that attempts to operationalise the categories of insecure housing and inadequate housing, taking into account indicators of the legal, physical and social dimensions of residential exclusion. Based on exploratory research, the responses of 155 women attending a specific resource for women in a situation of social exclusion are analysed. Descriptive and correlational analyses and mean differences are carried out. The findings show the characteristic strategies implemented by women in severe social exclusion, why there is less female presence in the homeless counts and the importance of placing more emphasis on the psychosocial dimension when studying women's residential exclusion.


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Author Biography

Alba Garcia Cid, Universidad de Deusto

Alba García Cid, PDI Departamento de Psicología de la Universidad de Deusto (Unibertsitate Etorb., 24, 48007 Bilbao, Bizkaia). Email: Línea de investigación centrada en el estudio de la calidad de vida en poblaciones vulnerables, analizando en profundidad cómo la discriminación afecta negativamente, así como las variables positivas que actúan como un factor de protección: apoyo social, resiliencia, salud y sentido de comunidad, entre otras. Proyectos relacionados: Efectos del sentido de comunidad, la resiliencia, el apoyo social y los recursos sobre la integración, la salud y la satisfacción vital de los inmigrantes (REF.: PSI2013-40508-P), Motivos Sociales, Sentido de Comunidad e Integración Social en El Análisis de las Conductas de Riesgo de los Jóvenes Inmigrantes (UMA18-FEDERJA-071).


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How to Cite

Gandarias Goikoetxea, I., Navarro Lashayas, M. A., & Garcia Cid, A. (2024). Covert homelessness in women in situations of serious social exclusion: An exploratory investigation. Revista Prisma Social, (44), 105–128. Retrieved from