Municipalities and digital transformation of schools: a case study



Educational Technology, Municipality, Case study, Municipal policies, Digital transformation


In the current scenario ruled by governance, the digital transformation of education is woven through the participation of multiple actors. Recent academic literature deals with the study of state, regional or private policies. However, municipal policies are also an element of great interest for illustrating micro-political processes, making it possible to develop situated work. Based on this premise, this paper studies the case of a municipality in the province of València that for the last decade has been implementing an initiative to provide digital devices to 5th grade students in its four schools. Using a qualitative approach, a field study is carried out by means of interviews with teachers and classroom observations, in which this initiative is investigated, delving into the difficulties and challenges it entails. The main results show that local councils are key bodies in promoting the digitalisation of schools, and that municipal policies reflect the trends in the transformation of education that govern the macro-political level. In conclusion, it can be seen that the municipal context is driving changes in classroom work, posing important challenges for teachers.


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How to Cite

Pardo Baldoví, M. I., San Martín Alonso, Ángel, & Donato, D. (2024). Municipalities and digital transformation of schools: a case study. Revista Prisma Social, (46), 77–101. Retrieved from