Local relations and rootedness in three neighbourhoods of the city of Madrid



Rootedness, neighbourhood, neighbourhood relations, territory, community, identity


Based on the selection of three neighbourhoods in the municipality of Madrid with different characteristics: a middle-class neighbourhood, a central historic district undergoing change and a vulnerable neighbourhood, this study analyses the diversity and complexity of ties and attachments in the local space using qualitative methodology. The differential characteristics of each of these neighborhoods allow the various manifestations of the sense of belonging and the way in which residents develop meaningful connections with their local environment to be examined. Special attention is paid to the dynamics of social interaction, local support, neighbourhood solidarity, the practices through which individuals build their identity and find stability based on these ties and also to the way in which female leadership affects these processes. This analysis allows us to better understand how people, despite increasing individualisation and changes in traditional social structures, and in a context of permanent change and uncertainty, still value community ties of varying intensity that provide them with a certain sense of anchorage.


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Author Biographies

José Juan Osés Bermejo, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid

Departamento de Análisis Social. Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, España.

Vicente Díaz-Gandasegui, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid

Departamento de Ciencias Sociales. Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, España.

María Victoria Gómez García, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid

Departamento de Análisis Social. Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, España


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How to Cite

Basagoiti Rodriguez, M., Osés Bermejo, J. J. ., Díaz-Gandasegui, V. ., & Gómez García, M. V. . (2024). Local relations and rootedness in three neighbourhoods of the city of Madrid. Revista Prisma Social, (47), 60–96. Retrieved from https://revistaprismasocial.es/article/view/5569

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