Threads of Identity: Contributions of the Tehuana embroiderers

Social, Economic, and Cultural Impact of Women in Juchitán, Oaxaca (Mexico)



Zapotec embroiderers, social empowerment, cultural identity


The traditional embroidery of tehuana costumes is a central economic activity for many families in Juchitán Oaxaca, primarily carried out by women. Zapotec embroiderers weave threads of history by reproducing ancestral techniques, generating income that allows economic self-sufficiency and improves living conditions in their homes; this activity also energizes other local economic sectors by promoting the sale of textile materials; they are proud guardians of the cultural preservation of their ancestral traditions by promoting the use of the tehuana dress in religious commemorations and traditional dances. The objective of this research is to analyze the social, economic and cultural contributions of women who embroider tehuana costumes in Juchitán, Oaxaca, to understand their influence on the comprehensive development of the community, a quantitative methodology was used to evaluate cultural identity, and empowerment social, 80 women embroiderers were surveyed. The results show the importance of autonomy, commitment to your family and the community through your work regardless of the challenges. The result of this research shows that the artisanal work of the embroiderers is transcendental in the cultural preservation of the Isthmus of Tehuantepec.


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How to Cite

Avendaño-Rito, M. del C., Arango-Ramírez, P. M., & Martínez-Vargas, A. . (2024). Threads of Identity: Contributions of the Tehuana embroiderers : Social, Economic, and Cultural Impact of Women in Juchitán, Oaxaca (Mexico). Revista Prisma Social, (47), 121–144. Retrieved from