The use of Virtual Reality in Social Documentaries.

The Case of the Transmedia Expansion of La primavera rosa (The Pink Spring)


  • Eva Patricia Fernández Manzano Universidad Camilo José Cela
  • Rafael Linares Palomar Universidad Rey Juan Carlos
  • Mario de la Torre-Espinosa Universidad de Granada


Social Documentary, Virtual Reality, Immersion, Transmedia Storytelling


The developments in non-fiction within the current media ecosystem have led, among other things, to transmedialization or the use of new formats such as virtual reality. If documentaries already possess undeniable immersive potential, this potential is further enhanced in 360-degree videos, allowing for the creation of a highly productive spatial experience that captivates the viewer, especially in projects addressing social issues. This is precisely what the LGBTIQ activist project, La primavera rosa (The Pink Spring), decided to do by employing this format in its transmedia expansion to create an audiovisual product. To achieve this, they utilized an iterative methodology based on service design to gain a detailed and contextualized understanding of the VR documentary production process, starting with the user-persona model. The result is a seven-minute video that showcases the harsh reality faced by the LGBTI community in Brazil, employing various strategies to maximize the user's emotional and ethical engagement, thereby fostering a commitment to the depicted issue.


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Author Biographies

Eva Patricia Fernández Manzano, Universidad Camilo José Cela

Facultad de Emprendimiento, Empresa y Ciencias Jurídicas. Universidad Camilo José Cela, España

Rafael Linares Palomar, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos

Departamento de Comunicación Audiovisual y Publicidad. Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, España


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How to Cite

Fernández Manzano, E. P., Linares Palomar, R., & Torre-Espinosa, M. de la. (2025). The use of Virtual Reality in Social Documentaries. : The Case of the Transmedia Expansion of La primavera rosa (The Pink Spring). Revista Prisma Social, (48), 46–63. Retrieved from