The integration of Generative Artificial Intelligence in the audiovisual post-production workflow

The case of La Mesías (Movistar Plus+, 2023)



Inteligencia Artificial, ficción audiovisual, ficción española, La Mesías, industria audiovisual, Stable Diffusion, ControlNet


The field of artificial intelligence (AI) has witnessed a remarkable surge in advancement, particularly in the realm of machine learning, where notable developments have been observed in the use of convolutional neural networks (CNN) and generative adversarial networks (GAN). The implementation of these technologies in the creative industries has undergone a rapid evolution, progressing from information analysis and data compression to the development of Generative AI (Gen AI) tools for the creation of audiovisual content. This descriptive-exploratory study analyses the application of Gen AI in the audiovisual post-production processes of La Mesías (Movistar Plus+, 2023), which has pioneered the use of AI in the Spanish industrial context. In addition, it explores the characteristics of the visual style resulting from its implementation. The methodological design combines the approaches of Media Industry Studies and organisational sociology, utilising a combination of hemerographic reviews, an in-depth interview and a technical analysis of the affected sequences. The workflow phases in which Gen AI was employed have been identified and classified according to the categories proposed by Anantrasirichai and Bull (2022): content creation, information analysis, content and workflow improvement, and information extraction. The results demonstrate that Gen AI has a significant impact on visual effects and 2D/3D compositing, resulting in a style of enhanced realism with dreamlike atmospheres.


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How to Cite

Dueñas Mohedas, S., & Jiménez Alcarria, F. J. (2025). The integration of Generative Artificial Intelligence in the audiovisual post-production workflow: The case of La Mesías (Movistar Plus+, 2023). Revista Prisma Social, (48), 96–121. Retrieved from