Attitudes and use of Internet and social networks in university students in Galicia: personal and social implications
Internet, social networks, university students, uses, attitudes, problemsAbstract
The use of the Internet and social networks is a fact in today's society, it is part of the lives of people, especially young people. Obtaining knowledge about the use they make and the attitudes they have towards these tools will allow us to obtain the profile of the current university student and to identify possible actions that can lead to problems at a personal, family and social level. This study analyzes the frequency and types of uses of the Internet and social networks, attitudes and gender incidence. An adaptation of the scale of attitudes towards Internet and social networks for adolescents (Rial, Gómez, Braña & Varela, 2014) was administered to 396 students of first and second year of four grades (Pedagogy, Social Education, Infant and Primary Education Teacher). 99.5% of students connect daily, between 16 and 24 hours (86.9%), via mobile (95.7%), to search for information related to studies, check email and visit networks social. In relation to gender, men connect more frequently to participate in online games or enter betting websites. Women, neglect more their study tasks or get in a bad mood for not connecting. The results confirmed that students access and use social networks and the Internet regularly, being able to generate some personal and family problems in the future.
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