¿Por qué los y las jóvenes están en las redes sociales? Un análisis de sus motivaciones a partir de la teoría de usos y gratificaciones



redes sociales, jóvenes universitarios, usos y gratificaciones, motivaciones


Young people spend a great part of their time on their social media profiles where they deploy diverse and changing performances. From the uses and gratifications theory, this article examines what undergraduates from the center of Argentina do on their favourite social media. Using a mixed methodology that combines quantitative and qualitative data obtained from a survey (n=1243) and semistructured interviews (n=132), results of this study indicate that the group behave differently on each digital platform and this is influenced by their motivation of satisfying diverse social and personal needs, such being in communication, getting informed, knowing what their contacts do and promoting a narcissist and happy version of their lives. Moreover, these uses are in relation to each social media architecture. 


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How to Cite

Tarullo, R. (2020). ¿Por qué los y las jóvenes están en las redes sociales? Un análisis de sus motivaciones a partir de la teoría de usos y gratificaciones. Revista Prisma Social, (29), 222–239. Retrieved from https://revistaprismasocial.es/article/view/3558