Construcción periodística de la mala praxis científica: análisis en diarios digitales



scientific fraud, misconduct, scientific ethics, scientific journalism, journalism training


Scientific research is possible thanks to public budgets. It promotes social development and improves the well-being of individuals. This reality justifies that we analyze in this paper the informative coverage –as a journalistic construction- of misconduct, scientific fraud and its academic significance. In the last two decades we begin to understand the magnitude of both phenomena; this is the basis of our objective of knowing if the media contribute to taking this problem beyond the investigative sphere, thus fulfilling the functions of control and reporting of journalism. To find out, we proposed a descriptive study of a corpus of information published in 21 digital newspapers, obtained by tracking their websites and using horizontal search engines. The results reveal that journalists and the media have been subjecting this investigation system problem to public scrutiny, but without the desired continuity or depth. One of the conclusions is that the informative coverage of scientific fraud and scientific misconduct does not derive from investigative journalism or journalistic follow-up by the investigative system, but from sporadic, well-known and decontextualized cases.


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Author Biography

María Dolores Meneses-Fernández, Universidad de La Laguna

María Dolores Meneses Fernández has a degree and PhD in Information Sciences, and also a degree and PhD in Geography and History. She completed her higher studies at the University of La Laguna (ULL) and at the Université de Provence-CNRS (France). She is the author and co-author of more than eighty scientific works. She has combined research and university teaching with the practice of professional journalism. She is Senior Lecturer/Associate Professor (Tenure) at the ULL, and her work focuses on specialized communication, R & D & i journalism, ethics and professional deontology in social communication.


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How to Cite

Meneses-Fernández, M. D., & Santana-Hernández, J. D. (2020). Construcción periodística de la mala praxis científica: análisis en diarios digitales. Revista Prisma Social, (31), 40–63. Retrieved from