Influence of the context in the self-perception of social risk by the students of Compulsory Secondary Education

The case of the Asturian Coal Mining Area


  • Adolfo Rivas Fundación Vinjoy y Universidad de Oviedo
  • Andrea Iglesias Pintado VINJOY FOUNDATION
  • NÉLIDA CONEJO Universidad de Oviedo


Context; social risk; education system; adolescence; self-perception; vulnerability


Adolescence, the path from childhood to youth, fits perfectly with the etymological origin of the term "risk", which refers to the dangers and vulnerability present in a journey. The most intense moment of vital change in all areas and dimensions coincides with Compulsory Secondary Education. Despite this, the Education System does not have a consensual or defined conceptualisation of social risk for its pupils. In order to study this reality, we used the SENA measurement instrument, which includes scales of problems, vulnerability and personal resources, and we looked at the needs felt or perceived by the students themselves, through self-reports. In order to overcome the difficulty of collecting information at this age, we involved the educational community and the pupils themselves, and had specially trained interviewers.

In order to check the influence of the context on self-perception of risk, we compared the results obtained in schools in the Asturian mining area, where the socio-occupational situation is of serious difficulty and deterioration, with the responses from the rest of Asturias, obtaining results that demonstrated the influence of this variable.


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Author Biographies

Adolfo Rivas, Fundación Vinjoy y Universidad de Oviedo

Managing Director of the Vinjoy Foundation

Professor of the Faculty Ossó, University of oviedo

Andrea Iglesias Pintado, VINJOY FOUNDATION

Fundación Vinjoy. Oviedo. España

NÉLIDA CONEJO, Universidad de Oviedo

Laboratory of Neorosciences, Department o Psychology of University of Oviedo. Director of the Asturias Neurosciences.


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How to Cite

Rivas Fernández, A., Iglesias Pintado, A., & CONEJO, N. (2021). Influence of the context in the self-perception of social risk by the students of Compulsory Secondary Education: The case of the Asturian Coal Mining Area. Revista Prisma Social, (33), 4–18. Retrieved from