Beliefs about inclusion and social justice in education: factors involved


  • Miguel Angel Albalá Genol Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
  • Edgardo Etchezahar Universidad de Buenos Aires
  • Antonio Maldonado Rico Universidad Autónoma de Madrid


Inclusion; Social justice; Education; Teacher training; Socio-educational intervention; Diversity; Belief in a just world.


Educational institutions are increasingly considering incorporating practices that pursue socio-educational inclusion. However, certain psychosocial variables can make it difficult for this change in teachers to take place. The main objective of the present study was to investigate different future teacher´s beliefs about educational inclusion, as well as their relationship with their social justice attitudes, believe in a just world and need for cognitive closure. The sample was composed of 476 students of the Infant and Primary Education Teaching Degrees (Autonomous University of Madrid, Spain). In the research quantitative methods are used in order to analyze the data of the different Likert-type scales used. The main results show relationships between teacher training student’s beliefs about educational inclusion and their favorable attitudes towards social justice. In addition, we found differences in participants beliefs about educational inclusion depending of their levels of believe in a just world and need for cognitive closure. In this sense, we considered relevant the incorporation of different psychosocial factors to the study of inclusion. Finally, we discussed the need for teachers to consider inclusion as an aim from which to achieve fairer educational and community contexts.


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How to Cite

Albalá Genol, M. A., Etchezahar, E., & Maldonado Rico, A. . (2021). Beliefs about inclusion and social justice in education: factors involved. Revista Prisma Social, (33), 162–182. Retrieved from