Disability is trending topic: analysis of the impact on Twitter of ten awareness campaigns



awareness campaigns, disability, hashtag, sentiment analysis, tweet, Twitter


Awareness-raising campaigns on disability have been launched to make society aware of the difficulties faced daily by people with conditions other than those of normotypical development. The objective of this study is to analyze the impact on Twitter of ten Spanish disability campaigns, held between 2013 and 2020. Trendinalia has been used to determine the amount, position and duration of the trending topic (TT) generated; and a sentiment analysis tool was used on Twitter to determine the positive, neutral or negative valence of tweets. The results show the quantitative success of campaigns on Twitter, although their impact is not uniform for all campaigns. On a qualitative level, although the tweets of all campaigns generally have more positive than negative connotations, in some conversations the greatest number of messages present a neutral tone. An analysis of the results shows that disability is an interesting topic for Twitter users and that it is important to carry out initiatives such as these campaigns to provide a voice for people with disabilities. The results obtained can be useful to guide the implementation of successful strategies for future campaigns.


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How to Cite

Gómez-Marí, I., Tijeras-Iborra, A. ., Manzanera-Hernández, S. M., & Tárraga-Mínguez, R. (2022). Disability is trending topic: analysis of the impact on Twitter of ten awareness campaigns. Revista Prisma Social, (36), 142–165. Retrieved from https://revistaprismasocial.es/article/view/4573

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