Dialogical Artistic Gatherings: a commitment to inclusion and improvement of coexistence through culture



Learning Communities, culture, coexistence, dialogical learning, educational inclusion


In the last two decades, in Spain, participatory experiences are being developed in all educational stages of centers configured as Learning Communities. Its objective is, little by little, to transform the socio-educational reality of the school and its environment, mobilizing the cultural and educational contribution and involving many people in the improvement of education. This article will analyze how, through the successful educational performance of Dialogical Artistic Gatherings, educational inclusion, an improvement of coexistence and the development of key competences are achieved. The context of the study is a center transformed into a Learning Community, where 84% of the students are of Roma ethnicity. The research methodology used responds to the critical communicative approach, seeking the description and / or interpretation of reality, to help transform that reality. This methodology is based on equal dialogue between the scientific community and people whose reality is the subject of research. Through in-depth interviews of communicative orientation and communicative discussion groups, it is evident that it improves the climate and decreases the conflictive of the classroom, there is the inclusion of all students in the educational center and an optimal acquisition of key competences.


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Author Biographies

Francisco Javier Domínguez Rodríguez, Castilla La Mancha University

Doctor in Education from the University of Castilla La Mancha. Degree in Philosophy and Educational Sciences: Specialties in Educational Guidance and Organization and Management of Educational Centers, Master's Diploma in Primary and Early Childhood Education, Diploma in Social Education and Degree in Psychopedagogy. He currently carries out his professional activity as an advisor for Permanent Training of Teachers in the Ministry of Education of Andalusia and as an associate professor in the Faculty of Education of Ciudad Real. He has been teaching for nearly 20 years, most of them as a teacher in Learning Communities and currently as the person in charge of training in his area on this project. He has participated in educational and innovation research with the theme of educational inclusion and learning communities, along with the publication of articles and contributions in congresses, courses and conferences focused on this theme. Collaborating Researcher of the consolidated research group: EDUCALIDAD and of the Scientific Research and Technology Transfer Project: Incidence of teaching entrepreneurship in the success of an inclusive quality school in CLM. Member of the European Association for Leadership and Quality in Education.

Ascensión Palomares Ruiz, Castilla La Mancha University

Doctor in Philosophy and Educational Sciences. Director of the Department of Pedagogy of the UCLM. Professor at the Faculty of Education of Albacete (CEU). PI of the consolidated research group: EDUCALIDAD. IP of the Scientific Research and Technology Transfer Project: Incidence of teaching entrepreneurship in the success of an inclusive quality school in CLM. President of the European Association for Leadership and Quality in Education. He exercises his teaching, research and management functions at the UCLM and the UNED. He has taught in-person and distance learning. He has directed 18 Doctoral Theses and published more than one hundred articles and 17 books.


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How to Cite

Domínguez Rodríguez, F. J., & Palomares Ruiz, A. (2022). Dialogical Artistic Gatherings: a commitment to inclusion and improvement of coexistence through culture. Revista Prisma Social, (37), 99–122. Retrieved from https://revistaprismasocial.es/article/view/4684