Social entrepreneurship: demographic and gender differences in peruvian university students



Social entrepreneurship, Students, University, Demography, Gender, Differences


Social entrepreneurship is the combination of innovation, genius and opportunity to address social challenges. This research determined the level of social entrepreneurship possessed by university students, and the significant differences that exist between social entrepreneurship according to their demographics and gender. This study was developed under a quantitative methodological perspective with a non-experimental design, basic type and with a comparative descriptive descriptive scope. It considered 648 participants who were chosen through a probabilistic sample by cluster, to whom the instrument for the assessment of social entrepreneurship competence in the university context was proposed, which has 28 items, grouped into 5 dimensions. The results showed that Peruvian university students do not have sufficient competencies to carry out social entrepreneurship; however, female students are more willing to undertake social entrepreneurship than male students; in addition, students from the Coastal region have a higher perception to initiate social entrepreneurship and students from the Highlands have a lower perception; on the contrary, students from the Jungle have a similar perception to those from the Coast and the Highlands.


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Author Biographies

Yober Lescano Chavez, Universidad Peruana Unión

Estudiante de la Escuela Profesional de Administración con mención en Gestión Empresarial en la Facultad de Ciencias Empresariales de la Universidad Peruana Unión.

Gessica Mabel Pinedo Zumaeta, Universidad Peruana Unión

Estudiante de la Escuela Profesional de Administración con mención en Gestión Empresarial en la Facultad de Ciencias Empresariales de la Universidad Peruana Unión.

José Joel Cruz-Tarrillo, Universidad Peruana Unión

Licenciado en Marketing y Negocios Internacionales por la Universidad Peruana Unión, Master of Business Administration por la Universidad Peruana Unión, Doctorando en Administración. Actualmente me desempeño como Coordinador de Investigación Desarrollo e Innovación de la Escuela Profesional Administración, Universidad Peruana Unión.


Doctora en Planeación estratégica y Dirección de Tecnología por la Universidad Popular Autónoma del Estado de Puebla (UPAEP) con Postdoctorado en Desarrollo Sostenible. Profesora investigadora de la Universidad de Montemorelos.


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How to Cite

Lescano Chavez, Y. ., Pinedo Zumaeta, G. M., Cruz-Tarrillo, J. J., & Haro-Zea, K. L. . (2022). Social entrepreneurship: demographic and gender differences in peruvian university students. Revista Prisma Social, (38), 244–265. Retrieved from