Digital literacy against fake news

Strategies and gaps among university students



Social Networks, Digital Literacy, Misinformation, Fake News, Digital Competences


The global crisis in the flow of information and communications due to COVID-19, infodemia, largely caused by social networks, has left a global concern about the impact of fake news on societies. The increase in the consumption of networks and the presence of the population in these spaces impose the need to know how to adequately address this social problem, which involves the management of digital identity and network consumption habits. In this sense, the study presented here, of an exploratory nature and with the philosophy of exploration-action, has the dual objective of exploring the perceptions, uses and consumption of digital identity, social networks, and fake news in order, secondly, to propose specific actions. The research is approached with a quantitative, descriptive, and correlational methodology in a sample of 248 master's and bachelor's degree students from 17 different autonomous communities. The results indicate a significant lack of knowledge despite the degree of use and consumption, revealing the need for specific actions that require specific digital literacy. In the conclusions, the training axes are provided as a proposal for innovative intervention to be taught in the university environment in a cross-cutting manner.


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Author Biographies

Ana Pérez-Escoda, Universidad Antonio de Nebrija

Assistant Professor and researcher in the University of Nebrija, Madrid. She has been coordinator in the Postgraduate Studies School and in Teachers Innovative Training (2015-2019). She has collaborated with several national and international universities . Research interests: Educational Technology, Innovation, Digital Communication and Media Literacy, ICT, mobile learning. Researcher in several projects and groups. Currently in H2020 MEDIATIZED EU.

Eglée Ortega Fernández, Universidad Antonio de Nebrija

Directora del Máster Universitario en Marketing y Publicidad Digital y Profesora en la Facultad de Comunicación y Artes de la Universidad Nebrija, en Madrid. Profesora Asociada del Departamento de Periodismo y Nuevos Medios, Facultad de Ciencias de la Información de la Universidad Complutense Doctora en Comunicación Audiovisual, Publicidad y Relaciones Públicas. Mis investigaciones están enfocadas a la comunicación, marketing, ficción televisiva, redes sociales, publicidad, periodismo y marcas.

Luis Miguel Pedrero Esteban, Universidad Nebrija

Catedrático e Investigador Principal del grupo Innovación en Comunicación y Medios (INNOMEDIA) de la Universidad Nebrija (Madrid). Tiene experiencia profesional como periodista y consultor en diferentes medios de comunicación, y como docente y conferenciante en universidades europeas y latinoamericanas. Sus intereses se centran en la transformación digital del ecosistema audiovisual, especialmente en la industria del audio (radio, podcast y audiolibros). 


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How to Cite

Pérez-Escoda, A., Ortega Fernández, E., & Pedrero Esteban, L. M. (2022). Digital literacy against fake news: Strategies and gaps among university students. Revista Prisma Social, (38), 221–243. Retrieved from