Process of critical and computational thinking in the learning of Mathematics in secondary education



Computational thinking, critical thinking, learning level, mathematical competence, secondary education.


The COVID-19 pandemic has transformed the ways of teaching and learning mathematics in high school, leading to the implementation of new teaching strategies aimed at achieving meaningful learning in the area of mathematics, with the mediation of digital technology and other pedagogical resources of the 21st century. The objective of this work is to analyze and explain the incidence of critical and computational thinking in the learning of mathematical concepts and procedures in secondary school students. The research approach is mixed, combining qualitative and quantitative sources of information and perspectives of analysis; the design is non-experimental; the data collection instruments are: Likert-type questionnaire and cognitive test; the data analysis is carried out by means of descriptive statistics. The results of the work show a sustained development of critical and computational thinking in the students during the mathematics learning activities, expressed in the fluency in the handling of concepts and logical procedures in problem solving; statistically, there is a correlation between the level of learning achieved and the development of critical and computational thinking of 0.545 and 0.823, respectively. It is concluded that the computational and critical thinking developed by secondary school students significantly influences learning and the development of mathematical competencies, with implications in the level of satisfaction with their academic and personal achievements.


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Author Biography

Jesús Vilchez Guizado, Universidad Hermilio Valdizán de Huánuco



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How to Cite

Ramón Ortiz, J. Ángela, & Vilchez Guizado, J. (2023). Process of critical and computational thinking in the learning of Mathematics in secondary education. Revista Prisma Social, (41), 194–211. Retrieved from