Literacy and computational thinking in teachers

A descriptive study



Computational thinking, Digital literacy, Computing, Digital didactics, Programming


The concern for digital literacy is a tangible reality in the classroom. The main objective of this study was to determine the educational level of Spanish teachers in basic programming and computing, as well as the relevance given to this area in the curriculum in Early Childhood, Primary and Compulsory Secondary Education. Through a descriptive methodology, on a population of 103 teachers, the results of the application of a series of very short answer questions are expressed, according to the computational theme, in a distribution by educational stages, age ranges, sex and training. It is concluded, mainly, a great acceptance of the proposal as an important curricular element of computational thinking in Basic Education, the beginning of digital literacy from the stage of early childhood education onwards, the scarce training of teachers in computing and digital didactics in the sample. selected and the positive affirmation of acquiring training and getting involved in the leadership of projects in this area of knowledge.


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How to Cite

Sotelo Martín, J. A. (2022). Literacy and computational thinking in teachers: A descriptive study. Revista Prisma Social, (38), 137–157. Retrieved from