Public-private controversies in social networks and adolescence.
Survey study
teenagers, social networks, public-private, privacyAbstract
Public exposure in digital environments is a common social practice among contemporary teenagers that forges new geographies for traditionally private realities. This study analyzes the perception of the teenagers of Compulsory Secondary Education of Galicia (Spain) about what they consider public or private in social networks, the implications of their participation and the regulations of the platforms. The public-private is visualized as the axis of the controversies that feed the new subjectivities. The exhibition imperative generates capital and social recognition that results in margins of satisfaction strained by modesty or possible digital risks. Through a descriptive-comparative methodology based on an ad hoc questionnaire applied online, the results warn that teenagers with a profile on social networks publish content due to a need for exposure. The composition of the audience and the idealization of the reality to be shown are factors that affect the publication of content. Significant differences in public-private treatment are identified according to the type of participation in these environments. The conclusions highlight the need for a critical training connected with the adolescent reality.
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