The role of and in the birth of Podemos (2014-2015)



digital media, visibility, mass media representation, Podemos, IU, online journalism, politics


Spain experienced a deep political change after the European elections in 2014. The previous years, conditioned by a deep crisis and the restrictive policies against it, generated a growing social upset that ended up turning into political disaffection. This situation made it possible for new national parties to emerge against traditional bipartisanship, achieving importance quickly, and becoming essential for governability. This rapid change, which crystallized with the 2015 general elections, found essential help in the media, since they contributed to make these new forces visible, as happened with Podemos. On the other hand, other parties with a similar ideology and historical political representation, such as IU, saw their media presence reduced, further accelerating the process of change. A content analysis of the information published in the digital editions of the most important newspapers in Spain, El País and El Mundo, between May 2014 and December 2015, allows to quantify the visibility of both parties compared to their political representativity. This investigation shows that there were parties, such as Podemos, with a huge media presence, even bigger than the presence of other parties, such as IU, which had institutional representation.


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How to Cite

Ventura-Salom, B. (2023). The role of and in the birth of Podemos (2014-2015). Revista Prisma Social, (40), 396–427. Retrieved from