Developing Happy Teams

An exploratory study about the relative impact of organizational practices on group positive affect



Afecto positivo grupal, prácticas organizacionales saludables, recursos humanos, equipos felices, modelo HERO, regresión por pasos


In a context of economic and social crisis, healthy and resilient organizations are characterized by carrying out healthy organizational practices in a systematic, planned and proactive manner. These practices influence the development of healthy employees and groups, as well as the achievement of organizational success. Following the Healthy and Resilient Organization Model, it is important to understand the role of organizational practices as developers of group positive affect (i.e., high or low intensity pleasant emotions resulting from emotional contagion), with the capacity to develop resources whose effects generate well-being and good performance in groups. The main objective of this work is to analyze the relationship between healthy organizational practices and group positive affect (i.e., optimism, enthusiasm, satisfaction, comfort, relaxation). The sample is composed of 374 employees (69 work teams) from 34 Spanish SMEs. The results determined a positively significant relationship between healthy organizational practices and group positive affect. Specifically, practices aimed at mobbing prevention, career development, communication promotion, and Corporate Social Responsibility allow to develop group positive affect.


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Author Biographies

Marisa Salanova, Universitat Jaume I

Equipo de investigación WANT, Universitat Jaume I


Isabel M. Martínez, Universitat Jaume I

Equipo de investigación WANT


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How to Cite

Peñalver, J., Salanova, M., & Martínez, I. M. . (2023). Developing Happy Teams: An exploratory study about the relative impact of organizational practices on group positive affect. Revista Prisma Social, (41), 235–252. Retrieved from