Digital transformation and open education in rural schools



Blended learning, online resources, open learning, rural school, virtual education, systematic review


The integration of technology, digital resources and virtuality in rural schools has allowed the renewal of educational practices through new methodological approaches. It has contributed to reducing isolation, promoting an open and inclusive education for the improvement of opportunities in rural territories. The aim of this research article is to analyze the state of the art on practices related to blended learning environments and open resources in rural schools. A systematic literature review of all international articles published between 2012 and 2022 in the Scopus, Web of Science and ERIC databases was conducted. In the initial phase, 3371 papers were identified which, after applying rigorous inclusion and exclusion criteria, were reduced to a final sample of 16 studies. The results refer to the development of digital resources adapted to multigrade classrooms, experiences related to blended environments, the challenges of digital integration and teacher training. In conclusion, it is necessary to promote the transformation of classrooms through the incorporation of technology, new learning environments and resources to enhance educational achievements in rural territories.


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How to Cite

Carrete-Marín, N., & Domingo-Peñafiel, L. (2023). Digital transformation and open education in rural schools. Revista Prisma Social, (41), 95–114. Retrieved from