Stressful life events in LGBT+ homeless population



LGBT ; homeless; Stressful Life Events; discrimination sexual orientation/gender identity; Multinomial Logistic Regression


This research shows that LGBT+ people experience stressful life events (SLE) because of their sexual orientation and/or gender identity (i.e., discrimination, physical or sexual abuse, family rejection, etc.). The objective of this study is to analyze the risk of homelessness from the SLE of LGBT+ homeless people. For the identification of the perceived SLE, an ad hoc instrument has been built based on the adaptation and extension of various existing instruments. A meta-analysis is carried out using a multivariable multinomial logistic regression model that gets the probability of low, medium, high and extreme risk of homelessness and to identify the probability of risk in the people surveyed based on the SVE variables and their sociodemographic profile. Among the most relevant results, it stands out that the only statistically significant gender identity was a trans woman,  specifically in the low risk of homelessness. The greater the risk of homelessness (high and extreme), the people surveyed present greater mental health problems (depression, suicide attempts, etc.). For this reason, the evaluation from the Social Work of the SLE of vulnerable LGBT+ people could be an effective approach for the prevention of their homelessness.


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How to Cite

Rodríguez Pérez, J. G., & Giménez Rodríguez , S. . (2023). Stressful life events in LGBT+ homeless population. Revista Prisma Social, (42), 170–205. Retrieved from