Participatory and transformative research and action based on driving groups


  • Luis Arnanz Monreal Universidad Complutense de Madrid (UCM)
  • Néstor García Montes Universidad Complutense de Madrid (UCM)
  • Tomás R. Villasante Prieto Universidad Complutense de Madrid (UCM)


Citizen participation; social participation; participatory methodologies, driving groups; participatory action research; socio-praxis


Participatory processes, practices and methodologies have reached an important level of presence, compared to past decades, in the social, academic, research and political spheres. Different aspects of social and citizen participation have been addressed and analysed, but the driving forces are not sufficiently conceptualised, defined, evaluated and categorised. Therefore, this article focuses on such a figure in order to dimension it within a broad participatory process. The emphasis is usually placed more on the application of group dynamics and qualitative or, to a lesser extent, participatory techniques, where the role of the "expert" (technical and/or academic) continues to be more important than the role assumed by the citizenry, especially the unorganised. Based on the analysis of five case studies developed over the last two decades, in which the authors have participated and which are considered revealing, an assessment and exploration is made of the figure of the driving group, what it is and what it is for, how it is integrated into a participatory process and what results it produces.


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Author Biographies

Luis Arnanz Monreal, Universidad Complutense de Madrid (UCM)

Luis Arnanz Monreal
Complutense University of Madrid (UCM).

PhD in Sociology and Social Anthropology, specialising in participatory methodologies applied to social research and intervention.

Professor of Sociology at the Complutense University of Madrid (UCM), Department of Applied Sociology. Faculty of Sociology, Somosaguas Campus (Madrid, Spain).

Member of the Society, Territory and Environment Research Group (GISMAT).

Founding member of the CIMAS Network (Citizenship and Sustainable Environment,

Since 2002, advisor and social consultant in citizen participation and community development projects for various local councils. Coordinator of the UCM's Lifelong Learning Master's Degree "Participatory methodologies and communication for research and social intervention".

Néstor García Montes, Universidad Complutense de Madrid (UCM)

Néstor García Montes
Complutense University of Madrid (UCM).

PhD in Sociology, specialising in participatory methodologies and processes.

Professor of Sociology at the Complutense University of Madrid (UCM), Department of Applied Sociology. Faculty of Sociology, Somosaguas Campus (Madrid, Spain).

Member of the Society, Territory and Environment Research Group (GISMAT) and the Complutense Institute of Sociology for the Study of Contemporary Social Transformations (TRANSOC), both at UCM.

Founding member of the CIMAS Network (Citizenship and Sustainable Environment,

He has carried out more than 40 projects with participatory research/advisory/consultancy/technical assistance methodologies for public administrations, social entities and official bodies at national and international level.

Tomás R. Villasante Prieto, Universidad Complutense de Madrid (UCM)

Tomás R. Villasante

Honorary Professor at the Complutense University of Madrid.
He has advised and directed (in Spain and Latin America) participatory and sustainability processes (Community Plans, Participatory
(community plans, participatory budgets, strategic plans for cooperatives, with social movements, etc.).
cooperatives, with social movements, etc.) As co-founder of the CIMAS Network, the Sentipensante Network, and the
Sentipensante, and the CREASVI Foundation, he has co-directed several Masters in different Universities, and currently participates in several
Universities, and currently participates in several Seminars and specialised Masters.
Activist of the eco-social transition movements, she participates in these movements in the
sierra de Madrid (CSA-Zarzalejo, TeVeo en la Sierra, Espacio Social La Fuente,
Energy Community, etc.). In La Punta del Hidalgo (La Laguna), she is a member of the
Plataforma en Defensa de la Costa, and of the Coop. Tenergética, among other activities in pro-commons and for democracies.
pro-commons and participatory democracy movements.
He has published a dozen books on these issues, the latest of which are:
- 2014. Redes de vida desbordantes. La Catarata.
- 2017. Democracias transformadoras. El Viejo Topo.


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How to Cite

Arnanz Monreal, L., García Montes, N., & Villasante Prieto, T. R. (2023). Participatory and transformative research and action based on driving groups. Revista Prisma Social, (43), 34–56. Retrieved from