Community Strengthening through Time Banks

The case of Red de Intercambios in Spain


  • María García Rovira Consejería de Igualdad y Políticas Inclusivas, Generalitat Valenciana
  • Raúl de Arriba Universidad de Valencia


time banks, mutual support, community strengthening, social economy, solidarity economy


This article presents the results of a case study about the Red de Intercambios time bank in Valencia (Spain) in order to analyze the effects that this type of initiatives have on community strengthening. The data have been obtained from methodological triangulation. On the one hand, we have developed qualitative techniques such as participant observation and in-depth interviews with key agents. On the other hand, we have used also quantitative technique though the exploitation of databases to obtain the socio-structural profile of the time bank members. Finally, we have carried out a structured survey about self-perception of the time bank members in relation to their experience in participation within the time bank. The results show that the members coincide in valuing the time bank more for its quality as a space for social participation than as a mechanism for redistributing their own time. In short, it is concluded that time banks contribute to community empowerment as they provide a framework for the development of skills, reciprocity, mutual support and satisfaction of needs outside the market.


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How to Cite

García Rovira, M., & de Arriba, R. (2023). Community Strengthening through Time Banks: The case of Red de Intercambios in Spain. Revista Prisma Social, (43), 128–147. Retrieved from