Gender particularities in the risk factors and paths of homelessness:

A cross-sectional, descriptive, exploratory study in Valencia, Spain



Keywords: homelessness; women; gender; census; Night-S


There is still a large lack of data related to homelessness, especially in the case of women, due to their traditional invisibility. The first objective of this exploratory study was to identify homeless women in the most visible categories of homelessness in the city of Valencia (Spain). Secondly, it was aimed to identify possible gender differences in the determinants and their trajectories of homelessness. For this purpose, the Night-S methodology was implemented, identifying 754 homeless people who were on the streets or in homeless shelters. Finally, 79 homeless women and 210 homeless men were surveyed. This is a descriptive, exploratory, cross-sectional and multicentre study. The results show the high incidence of gender violence and mental health as the causes of homelessness in women. Sexual assaults are frequent during their trajectories. Women make more use of social and labour market resources than men. They also have more contact with family and friends. The conclusions highlight the need to incorporate the gender perspective into public policies and social intervention with homeless people. Likewise, new ways of counting and accessing women in the less visible categories of homelessness are needed.


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Author Biographies

Mercedes Botija, Universitat de València

Profesora Titular Universidad. Doctora en Ciencias Sociales. Graduada en Trabajo Social y Graduada en Humanidades. Ha recibido diferentes premios de investigación en Ciencias Sociales. Imparte docencia en el grado de Trabajo Social y Servicios Sociales asi como en múltiples masters y en doctorados. Profesora visitante en Lisboa (Portugal). Líneas de investigación: prácticas profesionales, infancia y juventud, salud, mujer y colectivos vulnerables. Autora de libros y de artículos indexados en bases de datos internacionales. Ha sido IP en diferentes proyectos de innovación y docencia en investigación e intervención social.

Eva Gallén Granell, Universitat de València

Graduada en Trabajo Social por la Universitat de València. Máster en cooperación al desarrollo por la Universitat Jaume I. Personal investigador en la Universitat de València y doctoranda en Ciencias Sociales. Ha recibido diferentes premios de investigación. Autora de diversos artículos, capítulos de libro y contribuciones a congresos nacionales e internacionales. Líneas de investigación: Trabajo social, servicios sociales, exclusión social y sinhogarismo.


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How to Cite

Galán-Sanantonio, A., Botija, M., & Gallén Granell, E. (2024). Gender particularities in the risk factors and paths of homelessness:: A cross-sectional, descriptive, exploratory study in Valencia, Spain. Revista Prisma Social, (44), 84–104. Retrieved from