The right to the city: uses of urban spaces in everyday life


  • Rebeca Muñoz García Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
  • Magdalena Díaz Gorfinkiel Universidad Carlos III de Madrid


Right to the city, inhabit, daily life, urban spaces, neighborhood, relational experience, Prosperidad, Malasaña


The daily relationships in the territory of the neighborhoods constitute an essential social process in people's lives. The configuration of urban spaces determines how neighbors largely build their social relationships. The uses of urban spaces shape the possibilities of interaction and social cohesion in neighborhoods. This article analyzes the relationship between physical space and daily practices in two neighborhoods of the city of Madrid: Prosperidad and Malasaña. Starting from the concepts of ‘the right to the city’ and ’inhabiting’, both the influence of physical spaces in the configuration of social relations and the opposite process are explored. The research offers the speeches of 24 in-depth interviews with residents of the selected neighborhoods and reflects the process of anonymization and loss of everyday activities that characterize current cities, recognizing the role of women in the daily use of the city.


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How to Cite

Muñoz García, R., & Díaz Gorfinkiel, M. . (2024). The right to the city: uses of urban spaces in everyday life. Revista Prisma Social, (47), 97–120. Retrieved from

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