Scientific experts and government communication in the age of fake news

Analysis of the information strategy of the Covid-19 in Spain



science journalism, science and society, Coronavirus in Spain, Covid 19, institutional communication


The coronavirus pandemic has a strong scientific content in its media coverage. It represents a great case study to analyze the conflicting relationship between scientists, power and media. This article analyses how the Spanish government used scientific experts in its institutional communication. The survey by the European Council for Foreign Relations (ECFR) points to Spain as one of the countries that least trusts its experts (in the coronavirus crisis). The Oxford Reuters Institute survey states that Spain is the country that trusts scientists the most, but not its government. These are not contradictory. This paper makes a case study of the "State of Alarm" period and tries to go deeper into historical and media causes that may explain why public opinion in Spain does not trust experts related to the government. It also covers failures in the institutional communication strategy that damage the image of the scientist and science. The data is also contextualised in an environment dominated by social networks (Spain was the country where the use of WhatsApp grew most) and the proliferation of fake news and alternative sources.


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Author Biography

Carlos Elías, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid

Catedrático de Periodismo de la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid y catedrático europeo Jean Monnet de "UE, Desinformación y Fake News". Se especializó en Ciencia, Tecnología y Esfera Pública en la London School of Economics (un año con beca competitiva) y en la Universidad de Harvard (otro año como Visiting Scholar). Licenciado en Química y Periodismo por la Universidad de La Laguna, donde se doctoró con Premio Extraordinario en Ciencias Sociales. Trabajó como químico -sintetizando seis nuevas moléculas publicadas en revistas como la de la Royal Society of Chemistry- y, sobre todo, como periodista: en la Agencia Efe (Política) y en El Mundo (Ciencia). Ha publicado un centenar de publicaciones académicas (en revistas y editoriales de impacto) y también libros de ensayo. Su último libro es Science on the Ropes. Decline of Scientific Culture in the era of Fake News (Springer-Nature, 2019).  


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How to Cite

Elías, C. (2020). Scientific experts and government communication in the age of fake news: Analysis of the information strategy of the Covid-19 in Spain. Revista Prisma Social, (31), 6–39. Retrieved from