Professional training for the unemployed and sustainable development
Factors limiting economic and social development
sustainable development, vocational training, social development, social inclusion, community, vulnerable unemployed.Abstract
This text analyzes vocational training in Europe in recent decades, based on thirteen documents of the European Union, from 1994 to 2020, and documents of regulations on vocational training in Spain. The results of the documentary analysis confirm an economic approach, more in line with the theory of human capital, moving away from what would be a training for sustainable development, such as economic and social development. This economic approach is contrasted with the results obtained in the research carried out in the province of Cádiz (Spain) in 2018, based on the analysis of documents and in-depth interviews with training centers of public and private organizations, with and without the intention of profit. The training centers comply with the criteria set by the regulations and by European Union documents, focusing on responding to the qualification needs of companies in an area with a high unemployment rate, trying to contribute, with little success, to the labor insertion of vulnerable groups. Therefore, it is a training focused on the economic dimension, moving away from what would be a training for sustainable development, limiting the possibilities of labor insertion and social integration of these vulnerable groups.
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