New Masculinities in Fashion Audiovisuals: The Case of Palomo Spain



Palomo Spain, Maestros de la Costura, fashion, masculinities, fashion studies, queer studies, gender studies, LGBTIQ studies


This paper aims to determine how the reconceptualisation of hegemonic masculinity carried out by the fashion designer Alejandro Gómez Palomo (Palomo Spain) is articulated, made visible and legitimised through the TV talent show Maestros de la Costura (TVE, 2018-2022) For this purpose, the total of 150 looks worn by Palomo Spain over the five seasons was taken as the object of study. Methodologically, an analysis of the content of the media discourse with which these looks are presented has been carried out, as well as an analysis of their formal (pattern and materials) and performative (Judith Butler) aspects. All this from the perspective of Queer Studies, studies on new masculinities and understanding fashion as a space of somatic production (Paul Preciado). The results obtained confirm that Maestros de la Costura through as public media apparatus, promotes an audiovisual narrative that makes visible and legitimises processes of revision of hegemonic masculinity, focusing on how clothing actively participates in the articulation and performativity of masculinities that dissent from the norm.


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Author Biography

Francisco José García-Ramos, Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Dr. Francisco José García-Ramos
Prof. Asociado.
Depto. CAVP-1. Fac. CC.II.
Universidad Complutense de Madrid


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How to Cite

Zurian, F. A. ., Navarro Gaviño, Álvaro ., & García-Ramos, F. J. (2023). New Masculinities in Fashion Audiovisuals: The Case of Palomo Spain. Revista Prisma Social, (40), 4–29. Retrieved from