Educational technology and preservice teachers of Religion and Philosophy

Research on Chilean context



Knowledge, teacher training, Teaching practice, philosophy, religion, technology


The integration of educational technologies has been gaining special relevance in initial teacher training, as well as in the school curriculum in the different disciplines; however, in philosophy and religion they appear as instances of later adoption. The present research aims to analyze the knowledge about technology for the pedagogical practice of students of two programs of teacher training of Religion and Philosophy and its relationship with demographic variables, educational policies, and graduation profiles. From a quantitative approach, and using an adapted instrument, thirty-one students from two careers were surveyed, identifying that ICT training, training period and gender do not imply differences between the groups analyzed. Finally, the need to deepen the relationship between technology and teaching during initial teacher training is identified, given the impact in the society.


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How to Cite

Tapia Silva, H., Rivera Iribarren, P., Veas García, P., Pastén Palma, C., Hernández del Campo, M., & Quezada Bravo, A. (2023). Educational technology and preservice teachers of Religion and Philosophy: Research on Chilean context. Revista Prisma Social, (41), 115–145. Retrieved from