Neighbourhood noise as an ideological discourse of collective space

The circulation of local emotions through craftswomen



gentrification, cultural studies, popular culture, feminism, circulation of emotions, urban studies, collective spaces


Sara Ahmed addresses the construction of collectives through the circulation of affects. With this in mind, and given the gentrification threatening various regions, the discourse emerging from localism and, more specifically, from neighborhoods could be considered counter-hegemonic. After all, it concerns a reality that affects the identity of the people who inhabit these spaces and, in turn, their conception of the world and work, especially manual and artisanal labor. Therefore, the main objective of this text is to ideologically analyze the discourse of the San Julián neighborhood's artisan association in Seville; an association of women who champion the neighborhood's sounds and defend the identity of its people, despite the gentrification affecting their area. To this end, a focus group was conducted with the artisans of Recoveco Market who are in charge of the association's communication. This revealed aspects such as the circulation of affects among them and towards the neighborhood in which they live, as well as their conception of feminism and how it influences their shared reality.


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How to Cite

Rebollo-Bueno, S., & Donstrup, M. (2024). Neighbourhood noise as an ideological discourse of collective space: The circulation of local emotions through craftswomen. Revista Prisma Social, (47), 145–167. Retrieved from