Strategies for the inclusion of people with disabilities
The case of the Ouseburn Valley (Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom)
disability, integration, communication, city, creative industries, cultureAbstract
This research studies the institutional and/or organizational strategies for the labour and social inclusion of people with disabilities. The case study of the Ouseburn Valley area (Newcastle Upon Tyne, United Kingdom) and of foundations and organizations that carry out their activity there, such as the Ouseburn Farm and Chilli Studios, are analyzed.
The first of these foundations is in charge of promoting employment generation strategies among groups with physical disabilities. To do this, all of its activities are developed with people with disabilities in charge of them, facilitating their normalization in the population and, especially, among children. On the other hand, Chilli Studios encourages the integration of people with mental diseases in the world of art and creative industries through the “EPDA” model (“Engagement, Participation, Development and Achievement”), based on citizen participation.
Through methodological strategies such as the survey, the case study, ethnography and Grounded Theory (Glaser and Strauss, 1967), data collection techniques are applied, having made 23 participant observations as a full observer, 14 in-depth interviews and 3 survey processes. These have been carried out in parallel between September 2016 and March 2020 and have been integrated through methodological triangulation, guaranteeing the reliability of the results.
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