The mediation of Youtube for informal learning: a microgenetic design
YouTube, Social Networks, Informal learning, Qualitative research, Sociocultural ApproachAbstract
YouTube is currently one of the most popular resources for informal learning. It is developed in a self-regulated way by the users, who interact with psychological and physical tools that mediate to enable the achievement of the proposed goal. The main scientific objective of this research is to identify the intellectual process followed during the informal learning process on YouTube, taking as a reference the Activity Theory and the Sociocultural approach. A microgenetic design is applied based on an activity that consists of acquiring learning through YouTube in a self-regulated way. Data are obtained through a qualitative interview that records all cognitive and behavioral processes occurring during this activity. Nonverbal communication records are also used following the guidelines of microgenetic designs. Data analysis is carried out qualitatively using Atlas Ti Software. V. 9. The results show the mediating action of YouTube and the internal dialogue during learning, as well as the sequencing of the cognitive activity based on the activities, actions, and operations that took place in it. The conclusions are synthesised in role of mediators in the decision making and development of the learning process.
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