Professional perception for the elderly care in the covid-19 crisis: the senior centers of the Ciudad Lineal district of Madrid



Elderly people, Senior Citizen Centers, Covid-19, social intervention, social needs, social care, loneliness, ICT


COVID-19 has triggered a worldwide health and social crisis. In Spain, the containment measures unleashed by the crisis have been particularly harsh and have generated situations of vulnerability. The Municipal Centers for the Elderly are configured as public, non-residential facilities designed to promote the coexistence of the elderly. The aim of this article is to know the professional perception of the Municipal Centers for the Elderly regarding the attention to the needs of the elderly during the confinement stage in the district of Ciudad Lineal in Madrid. For this purpose, a qualitative study was carried out and semi-structured interviews and a focus group were conducted. The results show that the closure of the centers has generated situations of vulnerability for the elderly, especially for those in a situation of loneliness and/or with a higher degree of dependence and lower digital skills. The professional teams have seen an increase in their work activity and diversity of functions in order to respond to emerging needs. Online applications have played a fundamental role in the access to services provided in homes, making the digital divide visible for those people with less accessibility to its use. The Municipal Senior Citizen Centers are configured as proactive resources to prevent situations of loneliness and isolation, overcoming the current character of coexistence spaces.


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Author Biographies

Jesús M. Pérez Viejo, Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia

Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia. España

Esther Mercado García, Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Madrid. España

Santiago Prado Conde, Universidad Internacional de la Rioja

Universidad Internacional de la Rioja. España



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How to Cite

Dorado-Barbé, A., Pérez Viejo, J. M., Mercado García, E., & Prado Conde, S. (2022). Professional perception for the elderly care in the covid-19 crisis: the senior centers of the Ciudad Lineal district of Madrid. Revista Prisma Social, (36), 315–343. Retrieved from