Rrom participation in Castilla-La Mancha (Spain)

Convergences and divergences between the social actors



Participation, Rrom, Social Work, Social Services, Third Sector, Social Innovation


What is the perception of social services professionals regarding the participation of the Roma people in Castilla-La Mancha? What is the self-perception of the Roma people regarding their participation? This work examines the main participation trends in Rrom populations who are living in Castilla-La Mancha Region and the perception of social workers and third sector professionals as well.
The methodology is qualitative and quantitative based. The qualitative method aims to answer about research subject who represented the Rrom people in Castilla-La Mancha (n=98), they participated in ten focus group that were developed in nine cities. The quantitative method aims to obtain professional details about their Rrom’s perceptions, the online questionary was applied (n=50).

The results offer a descriptive and inferential analysis about participation variables and difficult perception in Rrom participation. The conclusion emphasizes on relevant needs in Rrom people, and it creates a differentiation between collectives and Rrom community in Castilla-La Mancha. The Rrom population is composed by collectives with several needs, theses collectives are formed the Rrom community in Castilla-La Mancha as a part of Rrom People in worldwide. Third Sector’s organizations and Public Social Services are focused on promote the participation of Rrom collectives, the Rrom associations and public administration need to create a horizontal logic in their relationships.


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Author Biography

Vicenta Rodríguez Martín, Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha

Full Professor at UCLM. PhD in Psychology and Diploma in Social Work.
She has extensive experience in research, training, teaching,
political advice, international cooperation
and direct intervention in matters of violence and gender equality,
where she has been working since 1995.


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How to Cite

Sánchez Álvarez, C., Rodríguez Martín, V., Morales Calvo, S., & de la Paz Elez, P. (2023). Rrom participation in Castilla-La Mancha (Spain): Convergences and divergences between the social actors. Revista Prisma Social, (43), 102–127. Retrieved from https://revistaprismasocial.es/article/view/5160